WE'LL NEVER FORGET, A Military Remembrance Book, by Jean Miso & Asher Sadeh (2010-SIGNED & NUMBERED)
WE'LL NEVER FORGET, A Military Remembrance Book, by Jean Miso & Asher Sadeh (2010-SIGNED & NUMBERED)
Author: Jean Miso. Illustrations by Asher Sadeh. Published by Jean Miso, 2010 Revised Edition. Signed and Dated by the Author. Individually Numbered (this book is 629/3000). Printed and bound in Canada by J.B. Printing Limited. Like New Condition HARDCOVER Book. Clean inside, never read. Includes Brand New CD inside back cover. Size: 9 x 11 inch.
WE'LL NEVER FORGET is a 36-page, full-colour children’s book. The song and the book are of the same title with lyrics that were inspired by the loving memory of the Author’s Grandfather who fought during WW1.
Each page spread contains a photo and personal story of a Canadian military member – peacekeepers, soldiers and veterans – whose story serves to inspire all Canadians. These portraits stand adjacent to the beautifully rendered images by artist Asher Sadeh, who has framed familiar Canadian landmarks and show children engaging in constructive group activities. The CD found at the back of the book is intended as a teaching tool to support Remembrance Day services across Canada.