CINCINNATUS…The Secret Plot to Save America, by Rusty McClure & David Stern (1st Ed. SIGNED)
CINCINNATUS…The Secret Plot to Save America, by Rusty McClure & David Stern (1st Ed. SIGNED)
Author: Rusty McClure & David Stern. Published by Ternary Publishing, 2009, 1st Edition. Printed in USA. Signed and Dedicated by the Author; Rusty McClure. Like New Condition HARDCOVER Book and Dust Jacket. Size: 6.25 x 9.25 inch, 523 pages including Appendix.
CINCINNATUS…The Secret Plot to Save America, by Rusty McClure & David Stern, is a political thriller novel about washed-up golfer Matt Thurman, who dreams of returning to the PGA circuit.
Instead, Matt Thurman finds himself framed for murder. Espy Harper, a Department of Justice attorney, wants to solve a mystery involving fixed golf tournaments. Instead, she uncovers a draconian plot with world-changing consequences. Together they race to find answers before it’s too late—for them and for the country. Their quest leads them deep into America’s past, to a brotherhood of direct descendents of the Continental Army. Cincinnatus weaves a riveting dramatic tale full of intrigue, murder, and lost love that will leave readers breathless.