Have you heard about Adopt-A-Grandparent Program?

Have you heard about Adopt-A-Grandparent Program?

Colleen and I were at Joe Klassen's Restaurant the other day for their famous Fish & Chip Dinner, (All you can eat for only $17.00!) and the Christmas Tree in the corner was covered in cardboard tags. We inquired why, and our lovely server Tayler told us about the Adopt-A-Grandparent Program. It's as easy as choosing one or more cards. On the card is an item that a local Grandparent was wishing for this years Christmas present. We took three tags home and had a wonderful time buying, filling up, and wrapping the three boxes. What an excellent idea, and believe me it's a beautiful way to start your Christmas Spirit!

Adopt-A-Grandparent Comox Valley is a Secret Santa program developed by a local teen from Cumberland, Breanna Brosko. Thank you Breanna for caring, and Merry Christmas to all...let's give our community minded citizens the support they deserve, and a big thumbs-up! 

For more information, please see the links below:

Facebook page at Adopt-A-Grandparent Comox Valley | Courtenay BC | Facebook  or

Email them at Adoptagrandparentcv@gmail.com or

Drop into Joe Klassen's and pick up a card: Jo Klassens Restaurant | home of the best fish and chips 

 Three Gift Wrapped Christmas Presents for The Adopt-A-Grandparent Comox Valley Program

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